Dermal Fillers

What are Dermal Fillers?


Dermal Filler Services


Facial fillers are also known as dermal fillers. Our dermal fillers are FDA approved and made of hyaluronic acid – a sugar complex found naturally in our bodies. Like Botox, fillers are used to prevent or eliminate signs of aging in the face like wrinkles.

The primary difference between the two is that Botox reduces the activity of muscles in the face that cause wrinkles. The fillers replenish the hyaluronic acid that has been absorbed into your body over time, helping you achieve more volume and a youthful appearance, eliminating the signs of aging that occur as a result of collagen depletion.


We offer different brands of filler including Restylane, Juvederm, and Revanesse. We help you decide which product is right for you, your skin, and your needs. Fillers are priced per syringe, starting at $650 per.


Choosing between Botox and Fillers

Botox is the better choice for dynamic wrinkles, or those that are present during facial expression, as it will reduce their motion and visibility. They are usually positioned in the forehead and around the eyebrows.

Facial fillers are ideal for static wrinkles, which are visible even when your face is relaxed and making no expression. These areas are depleted and sunken in and will benefit from the fullness that facial fillers give them.

Knowing the difference between Botox and facial fillers and how they work matters significantly when seeking treatment for your wrinkles. Whichever one you choose, both forms of treatments are very efficient ways to recapturing and maintaining a youthful appearance.

Our expert team is here to help you determine the best solution for you.