PRP Treatments

What is PRP?


Microneedling with PRP


PRP Fillers


PRP treatments are used to describe any application of PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, to benefit the body. PRP is collected by drawing one tube of your blood, spinning it down in a centrifuge, and separating the plasma from the red blood cells. The plasma is then treated to activate the platelets. When the platelets in the plasma are concentrated, magic happens. In the context of anti-aging, this platelet-rich plasma is spread on your face during a microneedling treatment. Eventually, the PRP is absorbed by your skin. This cuts the recovery time from microneedling down to nothing while speeding along the collagen production process. PRP can also be injected like fillers, without the risk of side effects.


A PRP facial is often used to follow up a microneedling treatment. After microneedling, your pores are open and readily absorb the nutrients from your body’s own platelet rich plasma. This speeds healing and compounds the benefits of microneedling while eliminating recovery time.


When properly prepared, PRP can be injected just like a dermal filler. The benefit of PRP is that there are no potential side effects and you are using your body’s own healing powers to reduce the signs of aging. PRP fillers are often used under the eye and in the temples, cheeks, and chin.